My name is Danielle and I LOVE CATS AND KITTENS! Shocker, I know. 

Some of my earliest memories as a child have my cats in them. They have always gave me a sense of love and companionship. No matter what was going on in my life, I could always go in my bedroom and have a therapy session with my furry friend. 

My childhood cat was named Queenie. She lived to be 19 years old. She was a petite tabby cat (this is why I STILL have an obsession with tabbies) who we got from one of my Dad’s coworkers. I loved that cat so much. She was there for all of my firsts. My first days of grade, middle and high school. I could always count on her to come home to and be there for me. She was there for everything that you can go through growing up.. friends, boyfriends, fights, breakups, school dances, anxiety of tests and finals, she was my very best friend.

She was a sassy little thing. She didn’t like many people, she wouldn’t let barely anyone, but me, pet her. If you dared, chances were you’d get a swipe and leave bleeding. But, we had a certain connection. Every night, she would curl up into the crook of my arm and sleep there the entire night. She made me feel special, I was her human. I like to think Queenie’s sass was training me to deal with feral cats later in life.

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have a cat. I have been blessed to have had some very special kitties in my life. To me, you just can’t compare the love of a cat to anything. Cats are magical, there is a certain sense of regality to them. 

I found myself one day searching for something. Something to make me happy and fill my days with purpose. My husband had gone back to school after our kids had grown and moved out, and I suddenly had a ton of time on my hands. What could I do that would make me truly happy? Every time I thought of what made me smile, I thought of my cats sitting on my lap purring or playing with them. I didn’t want to adopt another cat, at that time I had 2 cats and 2 dogs. One of my cats was ill and I knew it wouldn’t be right to add another family member when his medical costs were so high.

DING! A lightbulb went off in my head… I had an extra room, what about fostering?! Next thing I know, I was on my way to my local shelter and I came home with some foster kittens! A mama and 3 gorgeous healthy babies. I was in heaven! I felt that sense of purpose I was looking for.

This is how I began my journey of fostering.

And as the saying goes, “the rest is history”.



