This is a question I get, A LOT. Getting started is a lot easier than you might think and there are so many different ways to help.

♥️The first, and probably the most important thing you can do is spay and neuter your pets. There is a serious epidemic with the overpopulation of cats in the United States. According to the ASPCA statistics, approximately 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized (670,000 dogs and 860,000 cats) EACH YEAR. This number does not include all of the animals that suffer and die, alone on the streets. Something as simple as spaying and neutering your own pets will drastically reduce this number.

♥️You can go down to your local rescue or shelter and spend some time with some animals that would LOVE someone to just sit and pet them. Most of these animals are attention starved. Most workers and volunteers are doing their jobs by cleaning and making the ship run, they don’t have a ton of time to sit down and cuddle a kitty. Just imagine how many hours of attention your cat gets at home, now think of the (one of MANY) cats in a shelter/rescue waiting to be adopted. Social interaction is so important for their well being and spirit, can you just imagine how something as simple as sitting down and spending some time with them can really lift their spirits?

♥️Volunteer at a shelter or rescue. Many are in desperate need of more hands. Scoop litter boxes, sweep, mop etc. Or, if you have a certain skill (i.e. web design, grant writing, graphic design etc.) let them know!

♥️TNR (trap neuter return). This makes a HUGE impact on the feral and free roaming cat population. Google TNR in your area and look for an organization you can help with. You can also contact your local shelter to see if they have a TNR program or they can point you in the right direction. There are many different volunteer jobs to choose from. You can trap, transport, clean, answer phones, or volunteer at the clinic. In my area, we are always desperate to find trappers. There are so many cats that need TNR and the trappers are overwhelmed. I dream of the day when we have more trappers than “jobs”.

♥️Help feed a colony. Many colony caretakers I know would LOVE a night off. Even offering to go out and feed once a week can truly help someone who never gets a single night off. Look on Facebook, the Next Door app, Craigslist for someone that needs some help. Bonus points… try and raise funds or food donations to help feed the colony. So many people want to help, they just don’t know how. Even asking your fellow cat loving friends to donate $5 a month or a bag of food can truly make a world of difference.

♥️Foster! Go to your local shelter or rescue and tell them you’d like to foster! They will have you fill out an application and odds are you’ll be leaving with some kittens. They will provide you the basic necessities, like food and litter. Make sure to ask about their process so you know what to expect and the timeline you will need to bring them back in for vetting. (I would not suggest fostering on your own without a rescue/shelter backing). It doesn’t take much room to foster. A room, bathroom, decent sized walk-in closet. Fostering is fun, rewarding, and you will be saving a life. 

♥️Adopt! Finding an amazing home for my little foster kittens feels like hitting the jackpot. There are so many older cats and kittens looking for their perfect forever families, without adoption, where would we be? Overcrowding in shelters leads to euthanasia. Fostering and adoption helps clear the shelters so they can take more in. ADOPT DON’T SHOP!

♥️Adopt a working cat! If you have allergies preventing you from adopting a cat, or you have a rodent problem, adopting a feral cat to care for outside might be right up your alley. Many cites have programs to assist in relocating feral cats. In exchange, you are agreeing to being their caregiver and will need to provide food, fresh water, shelter and medical care (they will be spayed/neutered, vaccinated and ear tipped the time of adoption). Having a feral cat on your property is a win-win, they are cared for and you have no rodents!

♥️Donate! If you do not have time to do any of the above and have a little extra, making a donation makes a huge difference. Someone once said to me, “In rescue, money doesn’t talk, it SCREAMS!” This is SO very true. Without funds, hands are tied. We can have the absolute best intentions with the biggest heart, but if we don’t have money to take care of these animals, there’s nothing we can do. Do your research. Find an organization that is worthy of your hard earned cash, make sure they align with your views and values.

I would love to hear your stories of how you’ve helped or some new ideas on how to help!


